SupportView enables technicians to conduct a live, remote, interactive, technical support session with any connected device.
NetReady offers a services platform to access, control and manage devices in the Internet of Things. The NetReady platform allows users to establish remote connections to Internet-connected devices through our secure, cloud-based, device management system. NetReady enables remote access, command & control, and remote management for connected devices and the surrounding ecosystem of devices. NetReady also allows manufacturers to learn valuable intelligence about product performance and usage to help them improve product design and manufacturing and better address their customer’s needs.
SupportView enables technicians to conduct a live, remote, interactive, technical support session with any connected device.
NetReady™ contains a robust, secure, and multipath software update service which delivers and installs upgrades to devices via the Internet.
Dynamic Provisioning provides connected devices with the ability to securely receive & manage (DRM) credentials.